Fourth Round Assessment - Iraq

We carried out a prospectivity assessment on the 12 license areas offered by the Government of Iraq - Iraq Central Authorities - in its 4th Licensing Round. The assessment was geoscience and geology based and was designed to establish the prospective resources associated with each block along with the likely characteristics of the hydrocarbons likely to be found.

This assessment was based on Bayphase’s extensive experience conducting studies in country and its commercially available library of Iraq seismic, well and other data; see the Iraq Data Set for details on this. The study also had access to the majority of the commercially available geological data on Iraq.

The study produced a full inventory of prospective resources by license, an assessment of chance of success and a ranking of risked resource designed to guide decision making processes associated with bidding for acreage in the 4th licensing round. 

This Report has now been issued as a commercially available product see our Iraq 4th Round Technical Report and our Iraq 4th Round Economics Report for more details.

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